Foreign banks typically focus on non-RMB loans, letter of credits, unsecured revolving credits and trade financing. 外资银行的业务重点是非人民币贷款、信用证(letterofcredits)、无担保的周转信贷(unsecuredrevolvingcredit)、贸易融资(tradefinancing)等。
Solved the financing of the business enterprise difficulty on the certain degree, extend the foreign trade of expand. 一定程度上解决了企业的资金周转困难,扩大了对外贸易的扩展。
The bill of exchange was in its inception confine largely to the financing of foreign trade. 汇票最初主要限于在外贸金融活动中使用。
Faced to so large an increasing market, banks, enterprises and the government in China are striving to perfect themselves to make short-term trade financing develop successfully and prompt the development of foreign trade. 面对如此巨大的市场,我国银行、企业、政府三个方面都在不断的努力,完善自身不足,使对外贸易短期融资发展更加顺利,促进我国对外贸易的发展。
It introduces the meaning of short-term trade financing in China and illustrates the importance of it in developing foreign trade. 首先概括介绍了我国对外贸易短期融资的含义,阐述了对外贸易短期融资对我国对外经济贸易的重要性。
Nowadays, many countries in the world to some extent take various preferential measures to help the export companies protect against risk, reduce costs and obtain financing in order to promote the development of the countries 'foreign trade. 目前,世界的各个国家都不同程度地采取了各种优惠措施帮助出口企业防范风险、降低成本、获取融资,以促进本国对外贸易的发展。
With respect to the government, the authority should make efforts to forge favorable external environment, which encompasses constructing and perfecting of legal and market settings, bettering trade financing system, strengthening the credit rating system of foreign trade enterprises, and reinforcing the support for SMEs. 政府方面,应该着力打造良好的贸易融资环境,这包括建立和完善法律、市场环境,完善融资体制,加强外贸企业的信用评级工作和对中小企业的支持。